YouTube Premium subscription reports (non-music content) v1.1

The YouTube Premium subscription reports contain revenue and view data related to YouTube Premium paid subscriptions. The specific data in the reports depend on the type of content. These reports are available on a monthly basis from the Reports  page in YouTube Studio Content Manager.

The Summary report contains an aggregated view of subscription activity, the Asset Summary report provides activity at the asset level, while the Claim Raw Data report shows the activity per video, asset, country, or day.

Report field descriptions
Field Description
Adjustment Type Specifies the Adjustment Type for this row. If the row is not for a type of adjustment, "None" will be specified.
Asset Channel ID YouTube-generated channel identifier associated with the partner-provided video claimed by the asset
Asset ID YouTube-generated ID for the associated asset
Asset Labels Any labels associated with the asset
Asset title The title of the associated asset
Country The two-character ISO country code for the territory in which the activity occurred
Claim Type

The type of claim, whether it is:

  • Audio
  • Visual
  • Audio-Visual
Claim Origin The method by which the claim against the video was created
Custom ID The optional asset metadata field used to uniquely identify an asset, usually an internal code; other partners cannot see your custom IDs
Channel Display Name The display name of the channel to which the video was published
Channel ID YouTube-generated channel identifier for the channel to which the video was published
Content Type
The source of the claimed video:
  • Partner-provided – Uploaded by YouTube partner
  • Premium UGC – Uploaded by a third party, with copyrighted segments meeting the length and proportionality requirements to be treated the same as partner-provided licensed content for revenue sharing
  • UGC – User-generated content, uploaded by a third party (represents only UGC in the YouTube Red subscription service consumed by subscribers)
Day The day on which the activity occurred, in the format YYYYMMDD
Monetized Views The sum of audio-visual and audio-only Monetized Views attributed to your content in the YouTube Red subscription service; only relevant to music calculation
Monetized Views - Art Track Audio Audio-only streams of Art Track content in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content; only relevant to music calculation
Monetized Views - Art Track Audio Visual Audiovisual streams of Art Track content in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content; only relevant to music calculation
Monetized Views - Audio Total of audio-only streams in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content. The sum of Monetized Views - Partner Owned Audio, Monetized Views - UGC Audio, and Monetized Views - Art Track Audio; only relevant to music calculation.
Monetized Views - Audio Visual Total of audiovisual streams played in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content. The sum of Monetized Views - Partner Owned Audio Visual, Monetized Views - UGC Audio Visual, and Monetized Views - Art Track Audio Visual; only relevant to music calculation.
Monetized Views - Partner Owned Audio Audio-only streams of partner-provided and official music video content in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content; only relevant to music calculation
Monetized Views - Partner Owned Audio Visual Audiovisual streams of partner provided and official music video content in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content; only relevant to music calculation
Monetized Views - UGC Audio Audio-only streams of UGC content in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content; only relevant to music calculation
Monetized Views - UGC Audio Visual Audiovisual streams of UGC content in the YouTube Red subscription service attributed to your content; only relevant to music calculation
Month The month in whih the activity occurred, in the format of MM
Multiple Claims? Whether or not the video has multiple claims against it
Owned Watchtime (hours) All of your watchtime that counts towards Monetization or Track in YouTube Red subscriptions. The policy field determines whether the watchtime is counted towards Monetization or Track.
Partner revenue Your Pro Rata YouTube Red subscription revenue
Partner Revenue - Art Track Your Pro Rata YouTube Red subscription revenue share for Art Track content played in audio-visual mode.
Partner Revenue - Audio Your Pro Rata YouTube Red subscription revenue share for content played in audio-only mode.
Partner Revenue - Partner Owned Your Pro Rata YouTube Red subscription revenue share for partner-owned content.
Partner Revenue - UGC Your Pro Rata YouTube Red subscription revenue share for UGC content played in audio-visual mode.
Policy The applied policy for the video
Uploader The name of the user who uploaded the video
Username The name of the YouTube content owner
Video Duration (sec) The length of the video in seconds
Video ID The ID of the claimed video
Video title The title of the claimed video
YouTube Revenue Split YouTube Red subscription revenue pro-rated by your ownership

How is my revenue calculated?

We apportion revenue into two pools--one for music partners and one for everyone else--and calculate the partner pay-out from each pool based on view counts for music and watch time for our other partners. 

The use of view counts is an industry standard for music, so we retained that approach, and favored the use of watch time for other content to reward those creators and partners based on how much people actually watch their content within YouTube Premium specifically. On a per-user basis, a YouTube Premium member will generate more money for creators than a typical ad-viewing user and we expect that this new source of revenue will provide the creator community with additional revenue, especially as the product grows over the coming months and years.

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